Different types of numbers in different languages
Different types of numbers in different languages

different types of numbers in different languages

In Spanish-speaking countries, a common mistake is to translate the word billion as billón. By the same token, un trillón is “one million of billones“, and so on: 1 000 000 (10 6) That means that un billón is not “one thousand millions”, but “one million millions”. Unlike in English, in Spanish we use the long scale of powers of a million. The only difference is that when the number of millions is greater than one, the plural form is used ( millones instead of millón). Novecientos noventa y nueve mil ochocientos ochenta y ochoįor millions, you do also just as in English: first, you write the number of millions and then the rest of the number. If the number is not an exact multiple of 1000, then simply add the rest at the end, just as in English: 1 225 The thousands above 1000 are written exactly the same as in English: two thousand ( dos mil), and so forth. To be able to count all the way to millions, you just need to learn a couple of new words: 1000 It is cien only when the number is exactly 100, or when it goes right before mil (thousand), millones (millions), millardos (billions), billones (trillions), and so on (more on that later). To form the rest of the numbers, just write first the word for the hundreds, and then the “remaining” number, from 1 to 99, just as before.īut what is “one hundred” in Spanish? “One hundred” is ciento nearly always. To be able to count all the way to 1000, you just need to learn ten more Spanish numbers, the hundreds: 100 11Ĭongratulations! Now you know how to count from 0 to 99. Don’t worry though, you’ll notice some patterns that will make it easier. Now, you’ve learned a total of 19 Spanish numbers, right? Wrong! Actually, you know 82, because numbers from 31 all the way to 99 are formed simply by writing the tens and the units, separated by the word y (and).īut, what about the numbers from 11 to 29? There are specific numerals for them, so you’ll need to learn them by heart. Now, let’s see the tens, from 10 to 90: 10 Make sure you memorized them all (you’ll find some mnemonic aids below). The rules: 1-1000 Main numbers in Spanish: units and tensįirst of all, here are the Spanish numbers from 0 to 9: 0 Any other number is written as a combination of them:

different types of numbers in different languages

These are all the numerals you’ll ever need to learn by heart. Some Spanish idioms using cardinal numbersįirst, let’s take a bird’s-eye view.Real examples of sentences with Spanish numbers.

Different types of numbers in different languages